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Global Warming’s Five Germanys. A Typology of Germans’ Views on Climate Change and their Patterns of Media Use and Information

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Metag, J., Schäfer, M. S., & Füchslin, T. (2015). Global Warming’s Five Germanys. A Typology of Germans’ Views on Climate Change and their Patterns of Media Use and Information. Public Understanding of Science, 3, 1-18. doi:10.1177/0963662515592558.

People differ in their attitudes towards climate change, and these differences may correspond to distinct patterns of media use and information seeking. But while Leiserowitz et al. (2013; 2009) have established both these attitude types and their specific media diets in the American public, studies extending these analyses to other countries are lacking. We employ a secondary analysis of survey data from Germany to identify such attitude types with regards to climate change among the German public and specify those types with respect to their media use and information seeking. Similar to the “Global Warming’s Six Americas” study, we find five types of Germans which differ in their climate change related attitudes and communicative behavior. These findings might be helpful to develop communication campaigns which address these specific types of the public.