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Journal Article

Beyond the MNDO model: Methodical considerations and numerical results

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Kolb, M., & Thiel, W. (1993). Beyond the MNDO model: Methodical considerations and numerical results. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 14(7), 775-789. doi:10.1002/jcc.540140704.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0028-1860-6
It is suggested to improve the MNDO model by the explicit inclusion of valence-shell orthogonalization corrections, penetration integrals, and effective core potentials (ECPs) in the one-center part of the core Hamiltonian matrix. Guided by analytic formulas and numerical ab initio results, the orthogonalization corrections are expressed in terms of the resonance integrals that are represented by a new empirical parametric function. All two-center Coulomb interactions and ECP integrals are evaluated analytically in a Gaussian basis followed by a uniform Klopman–Ohno scaling. One particular implementation of the proposed NDDO SCF approach is described and parameterized for the elements H, C, N, O, and F. In a statistical evaluation of ground-state properties, this implementation shows slight but consistent improvements over MNDO, AM1, and PM3. Significant improvements are found for excited states, transition states, and strong hydrogen bonds. Possible further enhancements of the current implementation are discussed.