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Journal Article

Unusual corrections to scaling and convergence of universal Renyi properties at quantum critical points


Stéphan,  Jean-Marie
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Max Planck Society;

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Sahoo, S., Stoudenmire, E. M., Stéphan, J.-M., Devakul, T., Singh, R. R. P., & Melko, R. G. (2016). Unusual corrections to scaling and convergence of universal Renyi properties at quantum critical points. Physical Review B, 93(8): 085120. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.93.085120.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-002A-09BC-4
At a quantum critical point, bipartite entanglement entropies have universal quantities which are subleading to the ubiquitous area law. For Renyi entropies, these terms are known to be similar to the von Neumann entropy, while being much more amenable to numerical and even experimental measurement. We show here that when calculating universal properties of Renyi entropies, it is important to account for unusual corrections to scaling that arise from relevant local operators present at the conical singularity in the multisheeted Riemann surface. These corrections grow in importance with increasing Renyi index. We present studies of Renyi correlation functions in the 1 + 1 transverse-field Ising model (TFIM) using conformal field theory, mapping to free fermions, and series expansions, and the logarithmic entropy singularity at a corner in 2 + 1 for both free bosonic field theory and the TFIM, using numerical linked cluster expansions. In all numerical studies, accurate results are only obtained when unusual corrections to scaling are taken into account. In the worst case, an analysis ignoring these corrections can get qualitatively incorrect answers, such as predicting a decrease in critical exponents with the Renyi index, when they are actually increasing. We discuss a two-step extrapolation procedure that can be used to account for the unusual corrections to scaling.