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Study on neutrino beam experiments with multi-layer matter profiles


Klein,  Christiane
Division Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Klein, C. (2016). Study on neutrino beam experiments with multi-layer matter profiles. Bachelor Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.

This thesis explores different unusual setups of neutrino oscillation experiments. They could help to observe parametric enhancement of neutrino oscillations or similar effects. Three different setups are studied: an artificial periodic step function density profile, a neutrino factory beam passing through the core of the earth, and a short baseline with two layers of matter of different constant densities. Different approximations of the neutrino oscillation probability and numerical calculations are used for analysing the setups giving an overview of the basic features. Only the neutrino beam through the earth is under certain conditions able to lead to observable enhancement effects coming from multiple layers of matter with different densities. However, the artificial density profile would have to be longer than 1000 km being technically not realizable. To detect parametric enhancement with a neutrino beam traversing the earth core, the energy resolution of the detector would have to be lowered to about 10%. In addition statistical analysis of the results to differentiate the used oscillation channels and high statistics are necessary. In the short baseline setup a vacuum layer of more than 300 km thickness would be needed to enhance matter effects. In experiments with atmospheric neutrinos the effects are small and washed out by experimantal energy resolution.