Godechot, Olivier Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo), MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society;
http://www.sciencespo.fr/osc/sites/sciencespo.fr.osc/files/ND_2016-04.pdf (beliebiger Volltext)
mpifg_fp16_4.pdf (beliebiger Volltext), 2MB
Godechot, O. (2016). L’Alsace-Moselle peut-elle décider des 35 heures? Commentaires sur l’article de Matthieu Chemin et Étienne Wasmer "Using Alsace-Moselle Local Laws to Build a Difference-in-Differences Estimation Strategy of the Employment Effects of the 35-Hour Workweek Regulation in France", Journal of Labor Economics, 2009, vol. 27, n°4, p. 487-524. Notes & Documents de l’OSC, 2016-04.