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Conference Paper

Bistability and Stationary Gap Solitons in Quasiperiodic Photonic Crystals Based on Thue-Morse Sequence


Biancalana,  Fabio
Biancalana Research Group, Research Groups, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;

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Grigoriev, V., & Biancalana, F. (2009). Bistability and Stationary Gap Solitons in Quasiperiodic Photonic Crystals Based on Thue-Morse Sequence. In THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL NANOPHOTONICS (TACONA-PHOTONICS 2009) (pp. 66-68). 2 HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE, STE 1NO1, MELVILLE, NY 11747-4501 USA: AMER INST PHYSICS.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-002D-6C45-B
The nonlinear properties of quasiperiodic photonic crystals based on Thue-Morse sequence are investigated. The intrinsic asymmetry of these 1D structures for odd generation numbers results in bistability thresholds which are sensitive to propagation direction. Along with resonances of perfect transmission, this feature allows to obtain strongly nonreciprocal propagation and to create an all-optical diode (ADD). The efficiency of two schemes is compared: passive and active when an additional short-term pump signal is applied. The existence of stationary gap solitons for quasiperiodic photonic crystals is shown numerically, and their difference from the Bragg case is emphasized.