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Journal Article

Velocity of heat dissipative solitons in optical fibers


Russell,  P. St. J.
Max Planck Research Group, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;

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Ankiewicz, A., Chen, W., Russell, P. S. J., Taki, M., & Akhmediev, N. (2008). Velocity of heat dissipative solitons in optical fibers. OPTICS LETTERS, 33(19), 2176-2178. doi:10.1364/OL.33.002176.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-002D-6C69-E
In the fiber fuse, a pulse of high temperature travels toward the input end of the fiber, where high-power laser light is launched into the fiber. At any point along the fiber, the soliton can be ignited. The fiber core is damaged in the process so that light cannot propagate beyond the hot spot. This phenomenon is an example of a dissipative soliton that can exist only in the presence of an external energy supply and internal loss, We analyze this phenomenon, derive an expression for the velocity of the soliton, and determine its width as functions of the physical parameters of the laser and the fiber material. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America