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In silico estimates of the free energy rates in growing tumor spheroids


Mills,  Kristen
Cellular Biophysics, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;


Kemkemer,  Ralf
Cellular Biophysics, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;

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Narayanan, H., Verner, S., Mills, K., Kemkemer, R., & Garikipati, K. (2010). In silico estimates of the free energy rates in growing tumor spheroids. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22(19): 194122, pp. 1-16. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/22/19/194122.

The physics of solid tumor growth can be considered at three distinct size scales: the tumor scale, the cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) scale and the sub-cellular scale. In this paper we consider the tumor scale in the interest of eventually developing a system-level understanding of the progression of cancer. At this scale, cell populations and chemical species are best treated as concentration fields that vary with time and space. The cells have chemo-mechanical interactions with each other and with the ECM, consume glucose and oxygen that are transported through the tumor, and create chemical by-products. We present a continuum mathematical model for the biochemical dynamics and mechanics that govern tumor growth. The biochemical dynamics and mechanics also engender free energy changes that serve as universal measures for comparison of these processes. Within our mathematical framework we therefore consider the free energy inequality, which arises from the first and second laws of thermodynamics. With the model we compute preliminary estimates of the free energy rates of a growing tumor in its pre-vascular stage by using currently available data from single cells and multicellular tumor spheroids.