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Late glacial 14C ages from a floating, 1382-ring pine chronology

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Kromer, B., Friedrich, M., Hughen, K. A., Kaiser, F., Remmele, S., Schaub, M., et al. (2004). Late glacial 14C ages from a floating, 1382-ring pine chronology. Radiocarbon, 46(3), 1203-1209.

We built a floating, 1382-ring pine chronology covering the radiocarbon age interval of 12,000 to 10,650 BP. Based on the strong rise of Delta (super 14) C at the onset of the Younger Dryas (YD) and wiggle-matching of the decadal-scale Delta (super 14) C fluctuations, we can anchor the floating chronology to the Cariaco varve chronology. We observe a marine reservoir correction higher than hitherto assumed for the Cariaco site, of up to 650 yr instead of 400 yr, for the full length of the comparison interval. The tree-ring Delta (super 14) C shows several strong fluctuations of short duration (a few decades) at 13,800, 13,600, and 13,350 cal BP. The amplitude of the strong Delta (super 14) C rise at the onset of the YD is about 40 ppm, whereas in the marine data set the signal appears stronger due to a re-adjustment of the marine mixed-layer Delta (super 14) C towards the atmospheric level.