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Pressure effects in the itinerant antiferromagnetic metal TiAu


Svanidze,  E.
Chemical Metal Science, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;

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Wolowiec, C. T., Fang, Y., McElroy, C. A., Jeffries, J. R., Stillwell, R. L., Svanidze, E., et al. (2017). Pressure effects in the itinerant antiferromagnetic metal TiAu. Physical Review B, 95(21): 214403, pp. 1-10. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.214403.

We report the pressure dependence of the Neel temperature T-N up to P approximate to 27 GPa for the recently discovered itinerant antiferromagnet (IAFM) TiAu. The T-N(P) phase boundary exhibits unconventional behavior in which the Neel temperature is enhanced from T-N approximate to 33 K at ambient pressure to a maximum of T-N approximate to 35 K occurring at P approximate to 5.5 GPa. Upon a further increase in pressure, T-N is monotonically suppressed to similar to 22 K at P approximate to 27 GPa. We also find a crossover in the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity rho in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase that is coincident with the peak in T-N(P), such that the temperature dependence of rho = rho(0) + A(n)T(n) changes from n approximate to 3 during the enhancement of T-N to n approximate to 2 during the suppression of T-N. Based on an extrapolation of the T-N(P) data to a possible pressure-induced quantum critical point, we estimate the critical pressure to be P-c approximate to 45 GPa.