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Resonance absorption and fluorescence of a bi-chromatic electromagnetic field by the molecule coupled to a quantum molecular aggregate


Zvyagin,  A. A.
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Max Planck Society;

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Zvyagin, A. A., & Ropakova, I. Y. (2017). Resonance absorption and fluorescence of a bi-chromatic electromagnetic field by the molecule coupled to a quantum molecular aggregate. EPL, 117(4): 47005. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/117/47005.

The resonance absorption and fluorescence of a bi-chromatic electromagnetic field by a single molecule, coupled to a one-dimensional quantum molecular aggregate is studied. Depending on the values of the coupling of the single molecule and its own frequency, with respect to the own frequency of the aggregated molecules, and the strength of the aggregation, the absorption and the fluorescence of the molecule show the contribution from the exciton band, or/and the ones from the local level(s) caused by the single molecule. The linear polarized component of the electromagnetic field produces additional resonances, compared to the only circular polarized component, due to the coherent interference. The strength of the absorption and the fluorescence, caused by those additional resonances, depends on the ratio of the magnitude and the frequency of the linear polarized component. For additional resonances the magnitude of the absorption and the frequency is the decaying oscillating function of the mentioned ratio. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2017