In this study, it is investigated how ageostrophic dynamics generate an energy flux toward smaller scales. Numerical simulations of baroclinic instability are used with varying dynamical conditions ranging from quasigeostrophic balance to ageostrophic flows. It turns out that dissipation at smaller scales by viscous friction is much more efficient if the flow is dominated by ageostrophic dynamics than in quasigeostrophic conditions. In the presence of ageostrophic dynamics, an energy flux toward smaller scales is observed while energy is transferred toward larger scales for quasigeostrophic dynamics. Decomposing the velocity field into its rotational and divergent components shows that only the divergent velocity component, which becomes stronger for ageostrophic flows, features a downscale flux. Variation of the dynamical conditions from ageostrophic dynamics to quasigeostrophic balanced flows shows that the forward energy flux and therefore the small-scale dissipation decreases as soon as the horizontal divergent velocity component decreases. A functional relationship between the small-scale dissipation and the local Richardson number is estimated. This functional relationship is used to obtain a global estimate of the small-scale dissipation of 0.31 +/- 0.23 TW from a high-resolution realistic global ocean model. This emphasizes that an ageostrophic direct route to dissipation might be of importance in the ocean energy cycle.