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Sorption-luminescence method for determination of terbium using Transcarpathian clinoptilolite


Schmidt,  M.
Marcus Schmidt, Chemical Metal Science, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;

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Vasylechko, V. O., Gryshchouk, G. V., Zakordonskiy, V. P., Vasylechko, L. O., Schmidt, M., Leshchack, I. M., et al. (2017). Sorption-luminescence method for determination of terbium using Transcarpathian clinoptilolite. Talanta, 174, 486-492. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2017.06.052.

Sorption-luminescent method for terbium determination based on natural Transcarpathian clinoptilolite without using of complex synthetic organic compounds and toxic solvents was proposed. Optimal luminophore preparation conditions are sorption of Tb(III) on zeolite in the borate buffer solution with pH 8.25 and further calcination of clinoptilolite-Tb(III) samples at 500 degrees C. For luminescence excitation the rays with wavelength of lambda = 220 nm of were used. Luminescence intensity at lambda = 545 nm was selected as analytical parameter for a quantitative terbium determination. Definable range of Tb(III) concentration with the detection limit of 1 ng mL(-1) is within of 3-1140 ng mL(-1). The proposed method can be used for the terbium determination in the presence of many rare earths. Sorption-luminescent method can be applied for determination of trace terbium ions in synthetic water solutions and in intermetallics. The proposed analytical method gave recoveries from 90% to 108% and R.S.D. from 0.78% to 6.2% determination of terbium.