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Book Chapter

Replication of the single-stranded DNA of bacteriophage ϕX174 in nucleotide-permeable cells


Hess,  Ulrich
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;


Vosberg,  Hans-Peter
Department of Cell Physiology, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;


Dürwald,  Hildegard
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;


Schrecker,  Otto
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;


Hoffmann-Berling,  Hartmut
Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;

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Hess, U., Vosberg, H.-P., Dürwald, H., Schrecker, O., & Hoffmann-Berling, H. (1974). Replication of the single-stranded DNA of bacteriophage ϕX174 in nucleotide-permeable cells. In Mechanism and regulation of DNA replication (pp. 71-86). New York [u.a.]: Plenum Press.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-002D-E468-1
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