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Sulphur isotope fractionation during the reduction of elemental sulphur and thiosulphate by Dethiosulfovibrio spp.


Boettcher,  M. E.
Department of Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Max Planck Society;


Kuever,  J.
Department of Microbiology, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Max Planck Society;

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Surkov, A. V., Boettcher, M. E., & Kuever, J. (2012). Sulphur isotope fractionation during the reduction of elemental sulphur and thiosulphate by Dethiosulfovibrio spp. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 48(1 Sp. Iss. SI), 65-75.

Stable sulphur isotope fractionation was investigated during reduction of thiosulphate and elemental sulphur at 28°C by growing batch cultures of the sulphur- and thiosulphate-reducing bacteria Dethiosulfovibrio marinus (type strain DSM 12537) and Dethiosulfovibrio russensis (type strain DSM 12538), using citrate as carbon and energy source. The cell-specific thiosulphate reduction rate in the growth phase was 7.4±3.9 fmol cell−1 d−1. The hydrogen sulphide produced was enriched in 32S by 10.3±1 ‰ compared with total thiosulphate sulphur, close to previous experimental results observed for other sulphate- and non-sulphate-reducing bacteria. Elemental sulphur reduction yields sulphur isotope enrichment factors between−1.3 and−5.2 ‰ for D. russensis and−1.7 and−5.1 ‰ for D. marinus. The smaller fractionation effects are observed in the exponential growth phase (cellular rates between 5 and 70 fmol S° cell−1 d−1) and enhanced discrimination under conditions of citrate depletion and cell lysis (cellular rates between 0.3 and 3 fmol S° cell−1 d−1).