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Simultaneous multi-slice MRI using cartesian and radial FLASH and regularized nonlinear inversion: SMS-NLINV.


Voit,  D.
Biomedical NMR Research GmbH, MPI for biophysical chemistry, Max Planck Society;


Frahm,  J.
Biomedical NMR Research GmbH, MPI for biophysical chemistry, Max Planck Society;

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Rosenzweig, S., Holme, H. C. M., Wilke, R. N., Voit, D., Frahm, J., & Uecker, M. (2018). Simultaneous multi-slice MRI using cartesian and radial FLASH and regularized nonlinear inversion: SMS-NLINV. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(4), 2057-2066. doi:10.1002/mrm.26878.

The development of a calibrationless parallel imaging method for accelerated simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) MRI based on Regularized Nonlinear Inversion (NLINV), evaluated using Cartesian and radial fast low-angle shot (FLASH). THEORY AND METHODS: NLINV is a parallel imaging method that jointly estimates image content and coil sensitivities using a Newton-type method with regularization. Here, NLINV is extended to SMS-NLINV for reconstruction and separation of all simultaneously acquired slices. The performance of the extended method is evaluated for different sampling schemes using phantom and in vivo experiments based on Cartesian and radial SMS-FLASH sequences. RESULTS: The basic algorithm was validated in Cartesian experiments by comparison with ESPIRiT. For Cartesian and radial sampling, improved results are demonstrated compared to single-slice experiments, and it is further shown that sampling schemes using complementary samples outperform schemes with the same samples in each partition. CONCLUSION: The extension of the NLINV algorithm for SMS data was implemented and successfully demonstrated in combination with a Cartesian and radial SMS-FLASH sequence. Magn Reson Med, 2017. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.