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Journal Article

Time-resolved resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis: Current status, challenges, and new directions


Deco,  Gustavo
Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Center for Brain and Cognition, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain;
Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain;
Department Neuropsychology, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society;
School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia;

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Keilholz, S., Caballero-Gaudes, C., Bandettini, P., Deco, G., & Calhoun, V. (2017). Time-resolved resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis: Current status, challenges, and new directions. Brain Connectivity, 7(8), 465-481. doi:10.1089/brain.2017.0543.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-002E-2511-A
Time-resolved analysis of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) data allows researchers to extract more information about brain function than traditional functional connectivity analysis, yet a number of challenges in data analysis and interpretation remain. This article briefly summarizes common methods for time-resolved analysis and presents some of the pressing issues and opportunities in the field. From there, the discussion moves to interpretation of the network dynamics observed with rs-fMRI and the role that rs-fMRI can play in elucidating the large-scale organization of brain activity.