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Crime Business and Crime Money in Europe : The Dirty Linnen of Illicit Enterprise


Maljevic,  Almir
Criminal Law, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Max Planck Society;
International Max Planck Research School for Comparative Criminal Law, Max Planck Society;

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van Duyne, P. C., Maljevic, A., van Dijck, M., von Lampe, K., & Harvey, J. (Eds.). (2007). Crime Business and Crime Money in Europe: The Dirty Linnen of Illicit Enterprise. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.

This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the 8th Cross-Border-Crime Colloquium, held in Tallinn in May 2006. Petrus van Duyne provides an introduction. Joeb Rietrae reviews the 3rd EU anti-money laundering directive. A.T.A. Tilleman discusses the conflict between anti-money laundering and professional secrecy in the case of attorneys at law and civil-law notaries in the Netherlands. Petrus C. van Duyne examines the available evidence on criminal money management and its social impact. Kauko Aromaa and Martti Lehti summarize estimates on human trafficking. Jon Spencer presents findings from a study on the illicit movement of people to the UK. Klaus von Lampe explores the patterns of social interaction of illegal entrepreneurs. Maarten van Dijck and Anna Markina analyze tobacco tax evasion in the Netherlands and Estonia, respectively. Per Ole Johansen examines how illegal entrepreneurs have succeeded in the alcohol black market in Norway. Anna Markovska illustrates the national and international dimensions of corruption in the Ukraine taking the pharmaceutical market as an example. Katja Sugman and Matjaz Jager review post-9/11 criminal policy initiatives in the light of basic principles of criminal law.