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Ozenka vozmoznosti ispol’zovanija profilja ozona vysokogo razresenija po dannym pribora GOME-2 dlja ozenki [On the possibility of using the GOME-2 high resolution ozone profiles for assessment of near-surface ozone concentrations]


Gromov,  S.
Atmospheric Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society;

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Trifonova-Yakovleva, A. M., Gromov, S., Gromov, S. S., Khodzher, T. V., Potemkin, V. L., & Obolkin, V. A. (2017). Ozenka vozmoznosti ispol’zovanija profilja ozona vysokogo razresenija po dannym pribora GOME-2 dlja ozenki [On the possibility of using the GOME-2 high resolution ozone profiles for assessment of near-surface ozone concentrations]. Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovanija Zemli iz kosmosa, 14(5), 239-247. doi:10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-5-239-247.

Near-surface concentrations of ozone over the Baikal region were assessed using ozone observations from GOME-2 instrument onboard the MetOp-A satellite. High resolution ozone profiles were provided by EUMETSAT. In order to verify near surface ozone concentrations obtained from satellite data, a comparison was performed with observations at ground stations. It was shown that the two measurements were consistent, that is the time series of satellite data describe well seasonal changes and are also appropriate for regional air pollution assessment. However, there are limitations on using satellite data for predicting instant ozone concentrations and urban pollution. Spatial distributions of mean annual and seasonal ozone concentrations were derived for the Baikal region. These evidence distinct seasonality in surface ozone concentrations with maxima and minima falling on spring and autumn months, respectively, throughout the entire region. According to the satellite data, ozone concentrations in remote mountainous areas are higher in comparison with those from industrial regions of Angara and Selenga river valleys.