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Large Scale CW ECRH Systems: Meeting a Challenge


Erckmann,  V.
W7-X: Physics (PH), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;
W7-X: Heating and CoDaC (HC), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;


Braune,  H.
W7-X: Heating and CoDaC (HC), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;
W7-X: Physics (PH), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;


Laqua,  H. P.
W7-X: Heating and CoDaC (HC), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;
WEGA, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;


Marushchenko,  N. B.
Stellarator Theory (ST), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;


Michel,  G.
W7-X: Heating and CoDaC (HC), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;
W7-X: Physics (PH), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;


Turkin,  Y.
Stellarator Theory (ST), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Erckmann, V., Kasparek, W., Plaum, B., Lechte, C., Petelin, M. I., Bruschi, A., et al. (2011). Large Scale CW ECRH Systems: Meeting a Challenge. Talk presented at Joint Meeting of the 19th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas and the US Japan RF Physics Workshop. Newport, RI. 2011-06-01 - 2011-06-03.

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