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Serial millisecond crystallography for routine room-temperature structure determination at synchrotrons


Brünle,  Steffen
Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society;


Ermler,  Ulrich
Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society;

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Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brünle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., et al. (2017). Serial millisecond crystallography for routine room-temperature structure determination at synchrotrons. Nature Communications, 8: 542. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00630-4.

Historically, room-temperature structure determination was succeeded by cryo-crystallography to mitigate radiation damage. Here, we demonstrate that serial millisecond crystallography at a synchrotron beamline equipped with high-viscosity injector and high frame-rate detector allows typical crystallographic experiments to be performed at room-temperature. Using a crystal scanning approach, we determine the high-resolution structure of the radiation sensitive molybdenum storage protein, demonstrate soaking of the drug colchicine into tubulin and native sulfur phasing of the human G protein-coupled adenosine receptor. Serial crystallographic data for molecular replacement already converges in 1,000–10,000 diffraction patterns, which we collected in 3 to maximally 82 minutes. Compared with serial data we collected at a free-electron laser, the synchrotron data are of slightly lower resolution, however fewer diffraction patterns are needed for de novo phasing. Overall, the data we collected by room-temperature serial crystallography are of comparable quality to cryo-crystallographic data and can be routinely collected at synchrotrons.