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Nucleus-Dependent Valence-Space Approach to Nuclear Structure


Schwenk,  Achim
Division Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Stroberg, S. R., Calci, A., Hergert, H., Holt, J. D., Bogner, S. K., Roth, R., et al. (2017). Nucleus-Dependent Valence-Space Approach to Nuclear Structure. Physical Review Letters, 118(3): 032502. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.032502.

We present a nucleus-dependent valence-space approach for calculating ground and excited states of nuclei, which generalizes the shell-model in-medium similarity renormalization group to an ensemble reference with fractionally filled orbitals. Because the ensemble is used only as a reference, and not to represent physical states, no symmetry restoration is required. This allows us to capture three-nucleon (3N) forces among valence nucleons with a valence-space Hamiltonian specifically targeted to each nucleus of interest. Predicted ground-state energies from carbon through nickel agree with results of other large-space ab initio methods, generally to the 1% level. In addition, we show that this new approach is required in order to obtain convergence for nuclei in the upper p and sd shells. Finally, we address the 1(+)/3(+) inversion problem in Na-22 and V-46. This approach extends the reach of ab initio nuclear structure calculations to essentially all light- and medium-mass nuclei.