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Cell flow and tissue polarity patterns.


Eaton,  Suzanne
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Max Planck Society;

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Eaton, S., & Jülicher, F. (2011). Cell flow and tissue polarity patterns. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 21(6), 747-752.

Planar tissue polarity is a fundamental feature of many epithelia. Large-scale cell polarity patterns govern the orientation of external structures such as hairs and cilia. Tissue polarity patterns arise from the collective organization of cells, which are polarized individually. Such cell and tissue polarities are reflected in anisotropic distributions of proteins of the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Here we give an overview on recent progress in understanding how large-scale patterns of tissue polarity are controlled. We highlight the role of active mechanical events in the organization of polarity patterns during the development of the pupal fly wing. Patterns of cell flow are generated by mechanical stresses exerted on the tissue as well as by oriented cell divisions and neighbor exchanges. We discuss how the resulting tissue shear controls polarity orientation. We argue that the often-observed alignment of PCP either parallel or perpendicular to the long axis of developing tissues is a characteristic consequence of shear-induced polarity alignment. This principle allows for the versatile and robust generation of polarity patterns in tissues.