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Cell imaging and manipulation by nonlinear optical microscopy


Tolic-Norrelykke,  I M
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Max Planck Society;

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Sacconi, L., Tolic-Norrelykke, I. M., D'Amico, M., Vanzi, F., Olivotto, M., Antolini, R., et al. (2006). Cell imaging and manipulation by nonlinear optical microscopy. Cell Biochem Biophys, 45(3), 289-302.

Advances in the technologies for labeling and imaging biological samples drive a constant progress in our capability of studying structures and their dynamics within cells and tissues. In the last decade, the development of numerous nonlinear optical microscopies has led to a new prospective both in basic research and in the potential development of very powerful noninvasive diagnostic tools. These techniques offer large advantages over conventional linear microscopy with regard to penetration depth, spatial resolution, three-dimensional optical sectioning, and lower photobleaching. Additionally, some of these techniques offer the opportunity for optically probing biological functions directly in living cells, as highlighted, for example, by the application of second harmonic generation to the optical measurement of electrical potential and activity in excitable cells. In parallel with imaging techniques, nonlinear microscopy has been developed into a new area for the selective disruption and manipulation of intracellular structures, providing an extremely useful tool of investigation in cell biology. In this review we present some basic features of nonlinear microscopy with regard both to imaging and manipulation, and show some examples to illustrate the advantages offered by these novel methodologies.