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Expected oscillation parameters for red giants from dynamical masses and radii


Themeßl,  Nathalie
Max Planck Research Group in Stellar Ages and Galactic Evolution (SAGE), Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society;


Hekker,  Saskia
Max Planck Research Group in Stellar Ages and Galactic Evolution (SAGE), Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society;

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Themeßl, N., & Hekker, S. (2017). Expected oscillation parameters for red giants from dynamical masses and radii. In EPJ Web of Conferences: Wide-Field Variability Surveys: A 21st Century Perspective – 22nd Los Alamos Stellar Pulsation – Conference Series Meeting. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201715205012.

Stellar masses and radii of stars with stochastic (solar-like) oscillations can be derived using asteroseismic scaling relations. Here, we predict the asteroseismic observables using the dynamical masses and radii from red-giants in eclipsing binary systems. We show that the predicted frequency of maximum oscillation power (νmax) is generally lower than the observed one, while the predicted large frequency separation (Δν) is in most cases larger than the observed value. This shows that both the scaling relations for Δν and νmax used with solar references contribute to the observed differences between dynamical and asteroseismically determined masses and radii.