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State space analysis of sleep after traumatic brain injury in rats

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Symeonidou, E.-R., Imbach, L., Noain, D., Penner, M., Hodor, A., & Baumann, C. (2013). State space analysis of sleep after traumatic brain injury in rats. Poster presented at 23rd Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Barcelona, Spain.

Objectives: Sleep-wake disturbances occur frequently after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Therefore, we aimed at studying the dynamic features of sleep after severe TBI in a rat model of traumatic brain injury. Methods: We obtained 24 h encephalographic recordings at different time points after TBI and analyzed the signal using a novel frequency based EEG analysis technique (state space analysis). In this quantitative sleep analysis approach, velocity in state space represents behavioral state instability. Results: We found a significantly higher mean velocity of slow wave sleep 7 days after TBI as compared to the control group (p=0.04, 2-sided t-test). This transient effect was no longer seen after 28 days and was not observed in the control group. Conclusions: The observed short-lasting elevation of state space velocity can be interpreted as a transient sleep state instability after TBI. These results shed a new light into the dynamics of pathological changes of sleep architecture after TBI that are not identified by conventional scoring and analysis techniques.