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Visualization in meteorology --- A survey of techniques and tools for data analysis tasks

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Rautenhaus, M., Böttinger, M., Siemen, S., Hoffman, R., Kirby, R. M., Mirzargar, M., et al. (in press). Visualization in meteorology --- A survey of techniques and tools for data analysis tasks. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, early view, available online. doi:10.1109/TVCG.2017.2779501.

This article surveys the history and current state of the art of visualization in meteorology, focusing on visualization techniques and tools used for meteorological data analysis. We examine characteristics of meteorological data and analysis tasks, describe the development of computer graphics methods for visualization in meteorology from the 1960s to today, and visit the state of the art of visualization techniques and tools in operational weather forecasting and atmospheric research. We approach the topic from both the visualization and the meteorological side, showing visualization techniques commonly used in meteorological practice, and surveying recent studies in visualization research aimed at meteorological applications. Our overview covers visualization techniques from the fields of display design, 3D visualization, flow dynamics, feature-based visualization, comparative visualization and data fusion, uncertainty and ensemble visualization, interactive visual analysis, efficient rendering, and scalability and reproducibility. We discuss demands and challenges for visualization research targeting meteorological data analysis, highlighting aspects in demonstration of benefit, interactive visual analysis, seamless visualization, ensemble visualization, 3D visualization, and technical issues.