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Heterosis in hybrids within and between yeast species


Bernardes,  J.
Max-Planck Research Group Experimental Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;


Stelkens,  R. B.
Max-Planck Research Group Experimental Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;


Greig,  D.
Max-Planck Research Group Experimental Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Bernardes, J., Stelkens, R. B., & Greig, D. (2017). Heterosis in hybrids within and between yeast species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(3), 538-548. doi:10.1111/jeb.13023.

Abstract The performance of hybrids relative to their parents is an important factor in speciation research. We measured the growth of 46 Saccharomyces yeast F1 interspecific and intraspecific hybrids, relative to the growth of each of their parents, in pairwise competition assays. We found that the growth of a hybrid relative to the average of its parents, a measure of mid‐parent heterosis, correlated with the difference in parental growth relative to their hybrid, a measure of phenotypic divergence, which is consistent with simple complementation of low fitness alleles in one parent by high fitness alleles in the other. Interspecific hybrids showed stronger heterosis than intraspecific hybrids. To manipulate parental phenotypic divergence independently of genotype, we also measured the competitive growth of a single interspecific hybrid relative to its parents in 12 different environments. In these assays, we not only identified a strong relationship between parental phenotypic divergence and mid‐parent heterosis as before, but, more tentatively, a weak relationship between phenotypic divergence and best‐parent heterosis, suggesting that complementation of deleterious mutations was not the sole cause of interspecific heterosis. Our results show that mating between different species can be beneficial, and demonstrate that competition assays between parents and offspring are a useful way to study the evolutionary consequences of hybridization.