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Quantum theory of superfluorescence based on two-point correlation functions


Majety,  V. P.
Quantum Optics with X-Rays, Independent Research Groups, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Max Planck Society;

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Benediktovitch, A., Majety, V. P., & Rohringer, N. (2019). Quantum theory of superfluorescence based on two-point correlation functions. Physical Review A, 99(1): 013839. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.013839.

Irradiation of a medium by short intense pulses from x-ray (XUV) free-electron lasers can result in saturated photoionization of inner electronic shells. As a result an inversion of populations between core levels appears. The resulting fluorescent radiation can be amplified during its propagation through the inverted medium and results in intense, quasi-transform-limited radiation bursts. While the optical counterpart of this phenomena, known as superfluorescence, was intensively investigated, a generalized treatment is needed in the x-ray (XUV) domain, where the dynamics of pumping and evolution due to fast decay processes play a crucial role. To provide a general theoretical approach, we start from the fundamental, quantized minimal coupling Hamiltonian of light-matter interaction and after a series of approximations arrive at a closed system of equations for the two-point correlation function of atomic coherences and the two-time correlation function of the emitted field. The obtained formalism enables us to investigate collective spontaneous emission in various regimes. It is extended consistently to include incoherent processes that are relevant in the x-ray (XUV) domain. These processes are introduced into the formalism by corresponding Lindblad superoperators. The connection to other approaches is discussed and numerical examples related to recent experiments are presented.