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Enzymatic bioweathering and metal mobilization from black slate by the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune


Wielsch,  Natalie
Research Group Mass Spectrometry, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Hupfer,  Yvonne
Research Group Mass Spectrometry, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Svatoš,  Aleš
Research Group Mass Spectrometry, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;

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Kirtzel, J., Madhavan, S., Wielsch, N., Blinne, A., Hupfer, Y., Linde, J., et al. (2018). Enzymatic bioweathering and metal mobilization from black slate by the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9: 2545. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.02545.

Schizophyllum commune is a filamentous basidiomycete causing white-rot in many
wood species with the help of a broad range of enzymes including multicopper oxidases
such as laccases and laccase-like oxidases. Since these enzymes exhibit a broad
substrate range, their ability to oxidatively degrade black slate was investigated. Both
haploid monokaryotic, and mated dikaryotic strains were able to grow on black slate
rich in organic carbon as sole carbon source. On defined media, only the monokaryon
showed growth promotion by addition of slate. At the same time, metals were released
from the slate and, after reaching a threshold concentration, inhibited further growth of
the fungus. The proteome during decomposition of the black slate showed induction of
proteins potentially involved in rock degradation and stress resistance, and the gene for
laccase-like oxidase mco2 was up-regulated. Specifically in the dikaryon, the laccase
gene lcc1 was induced, while lcc2 as well as mco1, mco3, and mco4 expression levels
remained similar. Spectrophotometric analysis revealed that both life forms were able to degrade the rock and produce smaller particles.