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Journal Article

A pulsed source of continuous variable polarization entanglement

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Glockl, O., Heersink, J., Korolkova, N., Leuchs, G., & Lorenz, S. (2003). A pulsed source of continuous variable polarization entanglement. JOURNAL OF OPTICS B-QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS, 5(4): PII S1464-4266(03)59741-5, pp. S492-S496.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0002-97BE-E
We have experimentally demonstrated polarization entanglement using
continuous variables in an ultra-short pulsed laser system at the
telecommunications wavelength of 1.5 mum. Exploiting the Kerr
non-linearity of a glass fibre we generated polarization squeezed pulses
with (S) over cap (2) as the only non-zero Stokes parameter, thus (S)
over cap (1) and (S) over cap (3) being the conjugate pair. Polarization
entanglement was generated by interference of the polarization squeezed
field with a vacuum on a 50:50 beamsplitter. The two resultant beams
exhibit strong quantum noise correlations in (S) over cap (1) and (S)
over cap (3). The sum noise signal of (S) over cap (3) was at the
respective shot noise level and the difference noise signal of (S) over
cap (1) fell -2.9 dB below this value.