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Origin of α-rich young stars: clues from C, N, and O


Hekker,  Saskia
Max Planck Research Group in Stellar Ages and Galactic Evolution (SAGE), Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society;

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Hekker, S., & Johnson, J. A. (2019). Origin of α-rich young stars: clues from C, N, and O. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(3), 4343-4354. doi:10.1093/mnras/stz1554.

A small set of chemically old stars that appear young by their independently derived masses has been detected. These are so-called α-rich young stars. For a sample of 51 red-giant stars, for which spectra are available from SDSS/APOGEE and masses are available from asteroseismic measures based on Kepler lightcurves, we derive the C, N, and O abundances through an independent analysis. These stars span a wide range of N/C surface number density ratios. We interpret the high-mass stars with low N/C as being products of mergers or mass transfer during or after first dredge up, because the dredge-up features are the same as for low-mass stars. The α-rich young stars with high N/C follow the expected trend of N/C for their mass, and could be either genuine young stars (leaving their high [α/Fe] unexplained) or the results of mergers on the main sequence.