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Diversité de la faune scorpionique de la région amazonienne; centre d'endémisme; nouvel appui à la théorie des refuges forestiers du Pléistocène

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Lourenço, W. R. (1986). Diversité de la faune scorpionique de la région amazonienne; centre d'endémisme; nouvel appui à la théorie des refuges forestiers du Pléistocène. Amazoniana: Limnologia et Oecologia Regionalis Systematis Fluminis Amazonas, 9(4), 559-580.

It has long been accepted that Amazonia and the coastal Atlantic forest of Brazil were subject
to long dry periods in the late Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene. These climatic changes reduced forest
cover to limited areas, defined as forest-refuges. The previous evidence for this theory was based on
studies of few groups of animals and plants (birds, lizards, insects, and woody plants). In this paper,
new data are given to support the theory of Pleistocene forest refuges, using evidence from scorpion
biogeography. Distribution patterns of Buthid and Chactid scorpions are analysed and discussed, and
several centres of endemism are characterised in Amazonia and in the Atlantic forest. The refuges
proposed here correspond closely to several of the refuge areas proposed by PRANCE and HAFFER,
and to some of the areas proposed by BROWN Jr. & AB'SABER.