Paracamallanus amazonensis sp. n. (Nematoda: Camallanidae) is described from the intestine of a fish
called "mapará", Hypophthalmus edentatus (Pisces: Hypophthalmidae) from Marchantaria Island, Solimões
River, Amazonas State, Brazil. Of the six species described in the genus, P. amazonensis sp. n. resembles only
P. cyathopharynx (BAYUS, 1923) because both have a buccal cavity divided into two parts posterior to the
valves. The new species differs from P. cyathopharyrnx in having: 1) a buccal cavity without teeth; 2) 6 pairs
of precloacal papillae and a single spicule in the male; 3) a vulva with the posterior lip in the form of a fold
which projects anteriorly; 4) a pointed tail in the female. This is the first report of a genus of Paracamallanus
YORKE & MAPLESTONE, 1926, in South America.