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Comparison of the metabolism of two floodplain lakes of the Trombetas River (Pará, Brazil) based on a study of diel variation

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Esteves, F. d. A., Thomaz, S. M., & Roland, F. (1994). Comparison of the metabolism of two floodplain lakes of the Trombetas River (Pará, Brazil) based on a study of diel variation. Amazoniana: Limnologia et Oecologia Regionalis Systematis Fluminis Amazonas, 13(1-2), 33-46.

The diel variation of temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration and
chlorophyll-a was investigated in Batata and Mussurá Lakes on the Trombetas River floodplain. The diel
variation of temperature was distinct in both lakes. The water column of Batata lake was completely mixed
after 22ºº hour and Mussurá lake developed a well stablished gradient of temperature (differences up to
5.6 °C between surface and depth) which persisted all over the period studied. The thermal behavior
determined the diet variation of the other parameters studied, which presented a homogenous vertical
distribution in Batata Lake and remained stratified in Mussurá Lake. Chlorophyll-a concentrations were
considerably lower in Batata Lake (1.8 µg/l) than in Mussurá Lake (10.8 µg/l) and resulted in production
values (measured by oxygen diel variation) of ca. 2.6 g O2*m⁻²*d⁻¹ the first and 18.2 g O2*m⁻²*d⁻¹ in the
former one.