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Journal Article

Temporal fluctuations in scale counts and body proportions of Amazonian riparian lizards (Cnemidophorus, Sauria, Teiidae)

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Vanzolini, P. E. (2001). Temporal fluctuations in scale counts and body proportions of Amazonian riparian lizards (Cnemidophorus, Sauria, Teiidae). Amazoniana: Limnologia et Oecologia Regionalis Systematis Fluminis Amazonas, 16(3/4), 539-563.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0004-96F9-A
Abrupt but short-lived changes in number of ventral rows of scales and of dorsal granules, as well as in
relative length of tail, tibia and head, were found in widely separated riverine populations of Amazonian
Cnemidophorus, both parthenogenetic and bisexual. The explanation adopted is that offered by CARSON
(1985) for a similar case in Hawaiian Drosophila: presence of considerable intra-clonal variability and
sensitivity to stabilizing selection.