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Journal Article

On-chip multi-stage optical delay based on cascaded Brillouin light storage

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Stiller, B., Merklein, M., Wolff, C., Vu, K., Ma, P., Poulton, C. G., et al. (2018). On-chip multi-stage optical delay based on cascaded Brillouin light storage. OPTICS LETTERS, 43(18), 4321-4324. doi:10.1364/OL.43.004321.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0004-B5AB-F
Storing and delaying optical signals plays a crucial role in data
centers, phased array antennas, communication, and future computing
architectures. Here, we show a delay scheme based on cascaded Brillouin
light storage that achieves multi-stage delay at arbitrary positions
within a photonic integrated circuit. Importantly these multiple
resonant transfers between the optical and acoustic domain are
controlled solely via external optical control pulses, allowing
cascading of the delay without the need of aligning multiple structural
resonances along the optical circuit. (c) 2018 Optical Society of