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Microstructural control of the transport properties of β-FeSe films grown by sputtering


Ale Crivillero,  M. V.
Physics of Correlated Matter, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;

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Ale Crivillero, M. V., Amigó, M. L., Haberkorn, N., Nieva, G., & Guimpel, J. (2019). Microstructural control of the transport properties of β-FeSe films grown by sputtering. Journal of Applied Physics, 126: 115303, pp. 1-8. doi:10.1063/1.5094131.

We have investigated the correlation between structural and transport properties in sputtered β-FeSe films grown onto SrTiO 3 (100). The growth parameters, such as substrate temperature and thickness, have been varied in order to explore different regimes. In the limit of textured thick films, we found promising features like an enhanced T c ∼ 12 K, a relatively high H c 2, and a low anisotropy. By performing magnetoresistance and Hall coefficient measurements, we investigate the influence of the disorder associated with the textured morphology on some features attributed to subtle details of the multiband electronic structure of β-FeSe. Regarding the superconductor-insulator transition induced by reducing the thickness, we found a nontrivial evolution of the structural properties and morphology associated with a strained initial growth and the coalescence of grains. Finally, we discuss the origin of the insulating behavior in high-quality stressed epitaxial thin films. We found that a lattice distortion, described by Poisson's coefficient associated with the lattice parameters a and c, may play a key role. © 2019 Author(s).