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Journal Article

Filter mesh-size and retention efficiency for small particles: comparative studies with Cladocera


Brendelberger,  Heinz
Department Ecophysiology, Max Planck Institute for Limnology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Brendelberger, H. (1985). Filter mesh-size and retention efficiency for small particles: comparative studies with Cladocera. Ergebnisse der Limnologie/Advances in Limnology, 21, 135-146.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0004-EFC9-D
The ability to utilize very small food particles (picoalgae, bacteria) has been tested for 10
cladoceran species (8 Daphnia species, Simocephalus and Sida) in the laboratory by using a
dual-labelling technique. The animals were fed P-32 labelled Synecbococcus cells (about 1.0 x
1.5 μm size) and C-14 labelled Scenedesmus cells (5 x 15 μm) as a reference.
For each individual the clearance rates for both particles were compared to the mesh-size
distribution of the filtration screen, as measured by SEM.
Filter mesh-sizes and food selectivities are correlated: animals with small mesh-sizes have
almost the same filtration rates for both Synechococcus and Scenedesmus, whereas animals
with larger mesh-sizes show a strong selectivity for the larger food particle.