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The Euclid science ground segment distributed infrastructure: System integration and challenges


Piemonte,  A.
Optical and Interpretative Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Frailis, M., Belikov, A., Benson, K., Bonchi, A., Dabin, C., Ealet, A., et al. (2019). The Euclid science ground segment distributed infrastructure: System integration and challenges.

The Science Ground Segment (SGS) of the Euclid mission provides distributed and redundant data storage and processing, federating nine Science Data Centres (SDCs) and a Science Operations Centre. The SGS reference architecture is based on loosely coupled systems and services, broadly organized into a common infrastructure of transverse software components and the scientific data Processing Functions. The SGS common infrastructure includes: 1) the Euclid Archive System (EAS), a central metadata repository which inventories, indexes and localizes the huge amount of distributed data; 2) a Distributed Storage System of EAS, providing a unified view of the SDCs storage systems and supporting several transfer protocols; 3) an Infrastructure Abstraction Layer, isolating the scientific data processing software from the underlying IT infrastructure and providing a common, lightweight workflow management system; 4) a Common Orchestration System, performing a balanced distribution of data and processing among the SDCs. Virtualization is another key element of the SGS infrastructure. We present the status of the Euclid SGS software infrastructure, the prototypes developed and the continuous system integration and testing performed through the Euclid “SGS Challenges”.