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Dynamical synchronization transition in interacting electron systems


Oka,  Takashi
Physics of Quantum Materials, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;

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Nag, T., Slager, R.-J., Higuchi, T., & Oka, T. (2019). Dynamical synchronization transition in interacting electron systems. Physical Review B, 100(13): 134301, pp. 1-17. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.100.134301.

Synchronization is a ubiquitous phenomenon in nature and we propose its new perspective in ultrafast dynamics in interacting electron systems. In particular, using graphene irradiated by an intense bicircular pulse laser as a prototypical and experimental viable example, we theoretically investigate how to selectively generate a coherent oscillation of electronic order such as charge density orders (CDOs). The key is to use tailored fields that match the crystalline symmetry broken by the target order. After the pump, a macroscopic number of electrons start oscillating and coherence is built up through a transition. The resulting physics is detectable as a coherent light emission at the synchronizion frequency and may be used as a purely electronic way of realizing Floquet states respecting exotic space-time crystalline symmetries. In the process, we also explore possible flipping of existing static CDOs and generation of higher harmonics. The general framework for the coherent electronic order is found to be analogous with the celebrated Kuramoto model, describing the classical synchronization of coupled pendulums.