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Journal Article

Search for the rare decay Λ+c → pμ+ μ-


Dembinski,  H. P.
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Popov,  D.
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Schmelling,  M.
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Zavertiaev,  M.
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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(Preprint), 472KB

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LHCb collaboration, Aaij, R., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Ajaltouni, Z., Akar, S., et al. (2018). Search for the rare decay Λ+c → pμ+ μ-. Physical Review D, 97: 091101. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.091101.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0005-7AB8-3
A search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decay $\Lambda_{c}^{+} \to
p\mu^+\mu^-$ is reported using a data set corresponding to an integrated
luminosity of $3.0\rm fb^{-1}$ collected by the LHCb collaboration. No
significant signal is observed outside of the dimuon mass regions around the
$\phi$ and $\omega$ resonances and an upper limit is placed on the branching
fraction of $\mathcal{B} (\Lambda_{c}^{+} \to p\mu^+\mu^-) < 7.7~(9.6)\times
10^{-8}~{\rm at}~90\%~(95\%)$ confidence level. A significant signal is
observed in the $\omega$ dimuon mass region for the first time.