We present and release the full data set for the Mass Assembly of Stellar Systems and their Evolution with the SMA (MASSES) survey. This survey used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to image the 74 known protostars within the Perseus molecular cloud. The SMA was used in two array configurations to capture outflows for scales >30'' (>9000 au) and to probe scales down to ~1'' (~300 au). The protostars were observed with the 1.3 mm and 850 μm receivers simultaneously to detect continuum at both wavelengths and molecular line emission from CO(2–1), 13CO(2–1), C18O(2–1), N2D+(3–2), CO(3–2), HCO+(4–3), and H13CO+(4–3). Some of the observations also used the SMA's recently upgraded correlator, SWARM, whose broader bandwidth allowed for several more spectral lines to be observed (e.g., SO, H2CO, DCO+, DCN, CS, CN). Of the main continuum and spectral tracers observed, 84% of the images and cubes had emission detected. The median C18O(2–1) line width is ~1.0 km s−1, which is slightly higher than those measured with single-dish telescopes at scales of 3000–20,000 au. Of the 74 targets, six are suggested to be first hydrostatic core candidates, and we suggest that L1451-mm is the best candidate. We question a previous continuum detection toward L1448 IRS2E. In the SVS 13 system, SVS 13A certainly appears to be the most evolved source, while SVS 13C appears to be hotter and more evolved than SVS 13B. The MASSES survey is the largest publicly available interferometric continuum and spectral line protostellar survey to date, and is largely unbiased as it only targets protostars in Perseus. All visibility (uv) data and imaged data are publicly available at https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/full_MASSES/.