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Structural analysis of blood-group ABH, I, i, Lewis and related glycosphingolipids. Application of FAB mass spectrometry and high resolution proton NMR


Dabrowski,  Janusz
Department of Organic Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Max Planck Society;

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Egge, H., Dabrowski, J., & Hanfland, P. (1984). Structural analysis of blood-group ABH, I, i, Lewis and related glycosphingolipids. Application of FAB mass spectrometry and high resolution proton NMR. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 56(7), 807-819. doi:10.1351/pac198456070807.

The potential of fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectrometry
and of high resolution proton NMR spectroscopy, in the structure elucidation
of complex glycosphingolipids (GSL), was assessed with the aid of unmodified,
peracetylated and permethylated derivatives. The results of negative ion FAB
MS on native GSL and of positive FAB MS on their permethylated derivatives
proved to be highly complementary to those obtained by the use of different
NMR techniques. Examples of FAB spectra, of spin-decoupled spectra, of NOE
(Nuclear Overhauser effect) difference spectra, of 3-resolved two-dimensional
spectroscopy, as well as of the COSY (chemical shift correlated) or the SECSY
(spin-echo correlated) variant of the two-dimensional spectroscopy, measured
at 360 or 500 MHz, demonstrate that with a minimal amount of substance complete
informatkn can be gathered on the molecular weight, ceramide moiety, the
type and number of sugar constituents, their anomeric configuration, sequence,
sites of linkages and branching patterns.