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Dynamical Cluster Analysis of Cortical fMRI Activation

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Baune, A., Sommer, F., Erb, M., Wildgruber, D., Kardatzki, B., Palm, G., et al. (1999). Dynamical Cluster Analysis of Cortical fMRI Activation. NeuroImage, 9(5), 477-489. doi:10.1006/nimg.1999.0429.

Localized changes in cortical blood oxygenation during voluntary movements were examined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and evaluated with a new dynamical cluster analysis (DCA) method. fMRI was performed during finger movements with eight subjects on a 1.5-T scanner using single-slice echo planar imaging with a 107-ms repetition time. Clustering based on similarity of the detailed signal time courses requires besides the used distance measure no assumptions about spatial location and extension of activation sites or the shape of the expected activation time course. We discuss the basic requirements on a clustering algorithm for fMRI data. It is shown that with respect to easy adjustment of the quantization error and reproducibility of the results DCA outperforms the standardk-means algorithm. In contrast to currently used clustering methods for fMRI, likek-means or fuzzyk-means, DCA extracts the appropriate number and initial shapes of representative signal time courses from data properties during run time. With DCA we simultaneously calculate a two-dimensional projection of cluster centers (MDS) and data points for online visualization of the results. We describe the new DCA method and show for the well-studied motor task that it detects cortical activation loci and provides additional information by discriminating different shapes and phases of hemodynamic responses. Robustness of activity detection is demonstrated with respect to repeated DCA runs and effects of different data preprocessing are shown. As an example of how DCA enables further analysis we examined activation onset times. In areas SMA, M1, and S1 simultaneous and sequential activation (in the given order) was found.