Sakradzija, Mirjana Precipitating Convection, The Atmosphere in the Earth System, MPI for Meteorology, Max Planck Society; (Ergänzendes Material)
[15200493 - Monthly Weather Review] Local Impact of Stochastic Shallow Convection on Clouds and Precipitation in the Tropical Atlantic.pdf (Verlagsversion), 6MB
Sakradzija_et_al_2020_trop_atlantic.tgz (Ergänzendes Material), 22MB
Sakradzija, M., Senf, F., Scheck, L., Ahlgrimm, M., & Klocke, D. (2020). Local impact of stochastic shallow convection on clouds and precipitation in the tropical Atlantic. Monthly Weather Review, 148, 5041-5062. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0107.1.