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High-performance GPU computations in nonlinear dynamics: an efficient tool for new discoveries


Parlitz,  Ulrich
Research Group Biomedical Physics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Max Planck Society;

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Hegedüs, F., Krähling, P., Lauterborn, W., Mettin, R., & Parlitz, U. (2020). High-performance GPU computations in nonlinear dynamics: an efficient tool for new discoveries. Meccanica, 55, 2493-2504. doi:10.1007/s11012-020-01146-w.

The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate the benefit of the application of high-performance computing techniques in the field of non-linear science through two kinds of dynamical systems as test models. It is shown that high-resolution, multi-dimensional parameter scans (in the order of millions of parameter combinations) via an initial value problem solver are an efficient tool to discover new features of dynamical systems that are hard to find by other means. The employed initial value problem solver is an in-house code written in C++ and CUDA C software environments, which can exploit the high processing power of professional graphics cards (GPUs). The first test model is the Keller–Miksis equation, a non-linear oscillator describing the dynamics of a driven single spherical gas bubble placed in an infinite domain of liquid. This equation is important in the field of cavitation and sonochemistry. Here, the high-resolution parameter scans gave us the opportunity to lay down the basis of a non-feedback technique to control multi-stability in which direct selection of the desired attractor is possible. The second test model is related to a pressure relief valve that can exhibit a special kind of impact dynamics called grazing impact. A fine scan of the initial conditions revealed a second focal point of the grazing lines in the initial-condition space that was hidden in previous studies.