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Journal Article

Electrically Evoked Course Control in the Fly Calliphora Erythrocephala


Blondeau,  J
Former Department Structure and Function of Natural Nerve-Net , Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;

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Blondeau, J. (1981). Electrically Evoked Course Control in the Fly Calliphora Erythrocephala. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 92(1), 143-153.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0006-8537-6
Neurones in the optic ganglia of free-moving and fixed CalHphora wereelectrically stimulated with extracellular microelectrodes. The maximumdiameter of the stimulating focus was 20 /im in the antero-posterior axis.Course control and landing manoeuvres could be elicited by stimulating inthe lobula plate but not in the lobula or medulla. With stimulation in thevicinity of the H neurones, yaw responses were evoked. Direction of theresponse was dependent on stimulation polarity. This supports thehypothesis that H neurones mediate optomotor responses. Stimulation inthe posterior part of the lobula plate, close to the V neurones, elicited pitch, lift and thrust responses as well as landing reactions.