Smith, Geoff M. Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society;
Roebroeks_Human_Human-Behavioural-Adaptations-To-Interglacial-Lakeshore-Environments_2020.pdf (Publisher version), 104KB
Roebroeks, W., García-Moreno, A., Hutson, J. M., Smith, G. M., Kindler, L., Turner, E., et al. (2020). Human behavioural adaptations to interglacial lakeshore environments: An introduction. In A. García-Moreno, J. M. Hutson, G. M. Smith, L. Kindler, E. Turner, A. Villaluenga, et al. (Eds.), Human behavioural adaptations to interglacial lakeshore environments (pp. 1-4). Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums.