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Untersuchung dielektronischer LMn-Resonanzen von Neon-artigen Kryptonionen mit einer Elektronenstrahl-Ionen-Falle


Botz,  Marc
Division Prof. Dr. Thomas Pfeifer, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Botz, M. (2020). Untersuchung dielektronischer LMn-Resonanzen von Neon-artigen Kryptonionen mit einer Elektronenstrahl-Ionen-Falle. Bachelor Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0007-5668-4
In this thesis, the dielectronic recombination of highly charged krypton has
been investigated using an electron-beam-ion-trap (FLASH-EBIT) at the
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg. Mainly, the LMn-resonances
of various charge states have been examined.
The X-ray spectra of the trapped ions were recorded while the electron energy
was varied continously. Two measurements were conducted, differing by
the speed of the variation of the electron energy. The investigation of the
observed dielectronic resonances and the comparison to theoretical spectra,
generated using the „Flexible Atomic Code“\(FAC), showed significant differences
in the charge state distributions between the two measurements, as a
result of the difference in variation speed.
The position and intensity of the dielectronic LMn-resonances of Neon- and
Sodium-like krypton was compared to the data, collected during the fast scan.
The theoretical position of the resonances was in good agreement to the experimental
data. There were some deviations between theory and experiment
regarding the relative intensities of the resonances. These disagreements were
explained by the contribution of the resonances of other charge states as well
as collisional excitation.
Furthermore the strength of the LMM-resonances has been facilitated to
estimate the charge state distribution during the fast scan.